Featured in WBUR and The Boston Globe
Completed Events
Spring Forward has reached 2,400+ students and taught 200+ workshops across the country in less than 5 years!
Andover Climate Justice Workshop
April 23, 2024
New Spring Forward Member Ellie taught a workshop for Andover students. She led them through our Climate Justice Monopoly, allowing them to learn about climate justice and its social effects in a fun and interactive way!

Massachusetts Environmental Education Society (MEES) Conference
March 6, 2024

Spring Forward Heads Julia and Mina gave a presentation at the Massachusetts Environmental Education Symposium (MEES) Conference and spoke about Spring Forward's approach to Climate Education, with a focus on climate justice and systemic action. We had 40+ attendees at the event and the presentation was very recieved!

Fall Semester 2023
Presented at
NAAEE Conference in colloboration with MIT Climate Portal and Subject to Climate
Massachusetts Youth Climate Coalition Summit
CRSC Coalition
Merrimack College
Lessons at
Buckingham Browne & Nichols School
Winsor Planet Protectors
International School of Los Angeles
Coming up...
Training for Mentoring New Teachers, training at the Massachusetts Environmental Education Society Conference, UMASS Boston Growing Women in Science partnership, lessons at the Park School, and more!
Policy Brief Publication

Out now!
Spring Forward published a policy brief in collaboration with the Woodwell Climate Research Center, which can be viewed here. The policy brief explains the debate of installing solar panels in place of trees, and the important considerations when making this decision. We hope that the brief will better inform policy around installing solar panels!
Spring Forward developed a letter template for students to use to reach out to their government officials. The template includes the contact information of relevent officials and explains the importance of maintaining and preserving forests. If interested, click on this link to access the document!
Workshop for Winsor Planet Protectors

December 1, 2023
Spring Forward Members Mina and Julia taught the Climate Justice Monopoly for Winsor School's Planet Protectors. Students learned about climate justice, engaged in the monopoly simulation, then reflected the significance of the game and its real-world implications.

North American Association for Environmental Education

October 19, 2023
Spring Forward members Mina and Julia presented at the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) about Spring Forward's work and our approach to climate education as youth. Their session was titled, "Integrating Climate Change into K-12 Education: Strategies and Collaboration," and they presented alongside Sylvia Scharf of MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative and Margaret Wang of Subject to Climate. Stay tuned for a recording of the presentation!
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Climate Solutions Showcase

May 10, 2023
Spring Forward members, Simone and Mina, enjoyed talks from national climate leaders and met several other organization heads from around the country. During the tabling portion of the event, they showcased the work of Spring Forward through their Climate Justice Monopoly, example lesson plan, and highlighted their partnerships work in news articles and policy briefs.

Presentation at the Winsor School

April 13, 2023
Spring Forward Members Mina, Julia, and Anaya presented at Winsor to talk about their work in Spring Forward and other climate organizations, like MYCC and CATE. They shared information about their projects and why they are interested in climate education. Winsor wrote an article about the presentation, which can be viewed here.
MA Environmental Education Society Conference Workshop

March 8, 2023
Spring Forward attended MEES's annual conference and facilitated a session on environmental justice education. 35 teachers attended Spring Forward's presentation and engaged in conversations around how to break out of the "traditional" teaching around solely nature, animals, and personal sustainability and instead tell the full(er) picture. Spring Forward emphasizes how people, communities, and systemic change need to be part of an interdisciplinary climate education.

Massachusetts Teachers Association CAN Conference Keynote and Workshop
January 28th, 2023
Spring Forward founders, Simone Colburn and Alice Fan, presented to over thirty teachers at the Massachusetts Teachers Association Climate Action Network Conference at UMass Lowell. They gave the conference's keynote presentation on movement building with teachers and students. They then led a workshop session on how to effectively teach about climate justice through Spring Forward's Climate Justice Monopoly lesson.
6th grade Belmont Climate Change 101 Workshops
October, 2022
Spring Forward led a workshop on Climate Change 101 for each of Belmont's Chenery Middle School's five 6th grade science classes reaching over 100 students. The students learned about climate justice, climate change in the media, and explored different types of change.
Cambridge Community Center workshop series
October - December 2022
Spring Forward led an eight week program at the Cambridge Community Center for fourth and fifth grade students. Throughout these eight weeks, the students explored what climate change is, who it affects, and most importantly the power they have to make a difference.